Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Unionization of a Race

A simple equation.
Manpower + lawfull employment + opportunity = functional workforce

This apparently doesn’t apply to a society of victims. So, we have the NAACP, sometimes called the Victims Union; who seems to think that massive social welfare is in their best interest. Oddly enough, this culture of victims seems to promote the individual so extremely that the most recent generation dresses like outlaw cavaliers and yet, still votes in favor of collectivization. Is this a serious contrast in goals or a lack of information? Here’s another equation:
Unionized Manpower + social welfare + social opportunity = absent workforce

Now you may say, “Hey, you’re referring to African Americans in terms of Labourer, that’s racist!” And I say “I’m referring to Potential Manpower and socialization. If I wanted to talk about manual labour force I would have quoted this:
“Blacks participate in the labor
force at a lower rate than non-
Hispanic Whites.
Among the 216.8 million members
of the civilian population aged 16
and over in 2002, 25.4 million
(12 percent) were Black and
155.1 million (72 percent) were
non-Hispanic White. Non-Hispanic
White men had a higher civilian
labor force participation rate than
Black men (73 percent compared
with 68 percent), and for both
groups, men had higher rates than
women.9 However, the rate for Black women (62 percent) was higher
than that for non-Hispanic White
women (60 percent, see Figure 7).” (Source:

So this is where I sum it up. Either the NAACP doesn’t represent the vast majority of AA or they are so lost that somebody chromed their Hammer and Sickle and said it was just as good, but looked better with a $300 shoes.


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