In Other News

I just started a sentence with a preposition.
After fierce bombardments, religious oppression of fat Hawiians and people saying shit (heh), I have chosen to end the day on a lighter note with this article.
No, I guess not, maybe this.
Okay, maybe something closer to home.
This is terrible, is there nothing good in the news?!
Even my favorite essayist is depressing me/making me buy more ammo.
Finally, here’s one. Okay, its nonspecific, but it makes me laugh! Especially when I just realized that I’m not getting laid again for some time, hah,heh,hehhh.....shit.
Oh, tomorrow I will be writing a review on the movie "Syriana." It may have a suck title, but I’ll give it the old acid test, except I will be replacing acid with booze. Sweet booze, how I have missed you since 2 weekends ago.
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