Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A Letter to the Editor

Dear Ms. Cox,

Your article “The YouTube War” addressing the private media videos posted from Iraq, is, without a doubt one of the most foul pieces of extreme-left babble I have read in the last week. The comments on “gallows” humour recorded by soldiers, the generational influence of “Nintendo and Arnold Schwarzenegger” and “coherent explanations for why bombs are going off” compared with the present Bush Administration’s own publicity videos has crossed a line of rational thought and into the realm of popular fiction.

When a Soldier/Marine/Sailor writes home to mom and dad they tell happy stories about why we fight and how much they miss them. When they make a video of combat actions and throw some music in for effect they are having fun and creating a name for themselves in their own minds and the minds of their friends where you and the media who cover this war have robbed them of honor and the heroic image so many desire. Your constant negative reporting and demonization of our fighting men and women serve to undermine the effort to win and our show of support in this conflict. Find something productive to criticize, like why poor workin’ folk like me have to pay taxes, while non-citizens can happily trot through life on my wallet.

Your friendly neighbourhood Corpsman,
Titus P.


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